Friday, August 9, 2013

7 Months!

Samantha turned seven months this past Sunday.  When we got back from North Carolina she was still in a good enough mood for us to snap her month photos (note to Julius Chen- still got them in on the correct day!)  Samantha keeps changing and becoming more and more active every month.  This month we think she is somewhere between 15 and 16 pounds and seeming longer every day!

Samantha continues to be a very happy baby.  As long as she has eaten and had her nap she's in a good mood :)

Samantha makes all sorts of funny sounds-raspberries, giggles, and she's starting to make the "m" noise.  We especially love when she's in the backseat of the car or the stroller singing to herself.
Samantha has become an expert sitter this last month.  She hardly ever falls over now, and she leans forward and sits back up without problem.  She also bounces up and down a little while sitting now as well, and looks like she'll scoot forward on her bottom any day now.

She has even started playing with all sorts of toys while sitting up.  And she shows clear preference for certain toys these days- reaching out and grabbing the ones she wants and switching between them.  This month her piano and stacking cups have been her favorite.  She also loves playing peek-a-boo.
Everything still goes in Samantha's mouth.  And she's getting better and better at feeding herself.  This months she's been liking sweet potatoes and avocado toast the best.
Silly girl!
Love this little girl!

For comparison...