Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Busy Busy!

Life has been exciting around the Lieu house since Samantha has been crawling. 

It's getting a little harder to finish drying her after her bath.  She seems to want to crawl away instead of getting dressed. And her favorite thing is to crawl to the Cetaphil or diaper rash cream and grab those.
Baby Rumpus in our little playgroup.
A little glimpse of eating and drinking these days.  Samantha eats sooo much (will have to get a video that actually shows her shoveling the food into her mouth for literally an hour at a time)!  And she's a pro with the sippy cup.
Busy crawling around the family room.
Riding her fire truck with Daddy.
Now she's always sitting up waiting for me at her crib when I come to get her after her nap.
Singing with daddy.
We like listening to Daddy play guitar.
Pumpkin baby!

Early morning crawling- lost her under the kitchen table!
Found her!


  1. Big girl! Her coordination is amazing and adorable with that sippy cup. And such a sweet family moment with Andrew and his guitar. Love that your house is filled with praise music. :-)

  2. I officially love every single one of these pictures!!!
