Thursday, October 24, 2013

October visit to Nana and Granddad's House

We went to Long Island this past weekend to visit Nana and Granddad, while Daddy went on the men's retreat at church. It wasn't the easiest weekend, my Pop-Pop was back in the hospital, but Samantha bought smiles to everyone!

Playing on the playground with the grandparents :)
Not sure about this thing.

Hanging with Granddad in the hospital.
Nana introduced Samantha to raspberries.  She couldn't eat them fast enough.  I'm going to have to watch my raspberries very closely! She's a girl after my own heart!
Raspberry face!
Another great face!
Hanging with her Great- Grammy

And then there was Lanie.  Samantha was obsessed with crawling after Lanie and petting her.  Lanie was a little less thrilled with her biggest fan.  Samantha isn't the most gentle; however, she did try to make up for it by letting Lanie lick her fingers while she was eating.  Got a keep an eye on these two!
And because the videos of S with Lanie are kind of hilarious... there's a lot, but fun to watch!

Loving her Nana!

Love those eyes and cheeks :)

1 comment:

  1. The photos with your mom are absolutely adorable! Your mom is so pretty. I laughed at that last video of S and L. She was so excited!
