Thursday, October 10, 2013

Princeton in California!

Even though we spent most of our California visit with Andrew's family, we still were able to meet up with a bunch of fellow Princetonians.  Being a Princeton alum means one has friends all over the country (sometimes even the whole world!)- which is sometimes sad because so many of our friends are plane rides away, but also sometimes so cool because we have people to visit everywhere we go. 

Jane and Ted (both '01 and manna alums) just moved to TO, Andrew's home town, so we got in touch with them when we went down. They literally live six minutes from Andrew's parents- so cool.  Lucky for us they were actually having a manna reunion at their place that weekend so we got to see a few other manna alum that we knew and meet a few other alums that were before our time.  We were a bit jet lagged so we didn't get to stay too long but it was fun to pop in!
Then on Tuesday night after Samantha went to bed, we drove down to Sherman Oaks (halfway between TO and LA) to meet up with Kim and Dave and Alex and Ulysses.  So fun to have dessert together and catch up!
Princeton 06 ladies :)  
And then while in Northern Cal met up with Amanda one night for dinner.  So loved hearing how life was going with her as well!
Samantha loves her Auntie Amanda!


  1. I like how Samantha is at the top of the pyramid in the manna picture! Looks like a fun trip west.
