Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hanging with Grandma and Grandpa in California

We spent last week in California visiting Andrew's parents and attending his sister's wedding (more on that to come).  The flight to LAX was Samantha's fourth round trip but her longest flight thus far (6 hours!)  She was quite a squirmy and awake one on the plane, but we made it with no major problems. We spent the first five days of our trip with Andrew's parents in Thousand Oaks- and in true Lieu fashion we did a lot of eating and napping- perfect for a growing baby!

Samantha meets Mimi! Watch out, Mimi!
 She also got to meet some special people as well.  Several important family members and friends came over to the Lieu house to meet Samantha.  She got to meet Auntie Diana.
 And Uncle Larry and Aunt Nancy!
And Auntie Sally and Uncle Andrew!
We also went out to lunch and she got to meet more of the Lieu family- her Great Grandmother Lieu and her Great Uncle Noel and Great Aunt Mary.
And she got to meet a bunch of Andrew's mom's long-time coworkers.
When we weren't napping or eating at home we spent a lot of time playing on the floor.  Grandma got out the musical instruments that Andrew had when he was a baby, and we spent a lot of time playing with those.  The maraca was a big hit!

And the baby doll got attacked!
We definitely had fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa! 

Here's some video of playtime!

Wildwood park also had a great little playground.  She is definitely getting better at the swing!

 But she was less than enthusiastic about the slide.
 The weather was gorgeous the whole time we were in California so we took a bunch of walks.  
 View from Andrew's parents' street.  Gorgeous!  Seriously, I think every day we were there was cloudless!
 With all that sun we had to try on some sunglasses :)
 And we capped off our visit to TO with S's first visit to Baja Fresh- yum chicken quesadilla! Oh and she finally got good at the sippy cup while we were in California.  By the end of the trip she was a pro at eating out.

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