Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Nine Months!

Samantha turned nine months while we were in California so it's taken me a while to get to her monthly post with all the wonderful pictures from California we had to share.  Now that she's almost 9 and a half months, here are some photos to share.  The month sticker didn't stand a chance this month!
At her 9 month doctor's appointment Samantha was 17 lbs 2 oz and 28 inches - still 25th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length. She also got three shots and her first blood test.  She was a trooper, not even crying for the five minutes it took to squeeze the blood out of her little thumb.
She is still interested in everything this month.  Really examining lots of stuff!
She tried to pull herself up a bunch, but could never really make it until two days before she turned 9 months, although her pull up hasn't been replicated back in NJ.  She also tries to crawl/climb into our laps all the time.  Now if only she would stay there and cuddle.
She also figured out how to clap two toys together this month and she now makes music by hitting the drum and shaking the shaker eggs.
She is still smiley all the time and loves to giggle.  Her favorite activities include climbing on mommy and daddy, eating (pretty much all the same things as at 8 months), drinking from her sippy cup, going for walks, and playing peek-a-boo.
And the big news is the day before she turned 9 months she started crawling (see previous blog post).  In the last week or so she has gotten so much faster!
She can now crawl on carpet and hard surfaces.  She's also crawled inside and outside.  We have a little explorer here who won't sit still!
Toy fave number one these days- smart phone!  
These days she's wearing size 3 diapers, size 9 month tops, and size 12 month bottoms!  

Love you 3/4 year old little girl!

To compare:
8 months
7 months
6 months
5 months
4 months
3 months
2 months
1 month


  1. Such a squeezable sweet heart! Hope she still gives you some snuggles!

    1. No real snuggles here these days- maybe I will borrow Matthew :)

  2. So sweet!!! Steal those snuggles while you can!

  3. I can't wait to see this cuteness in person!

  4. I would like to request video of fast crawling please!
