Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February Snow Day

We are seriously done with snow days around here, but mother nature had other plans and during the first week of February we had two more snow days.  One day there was a ton of snow and another all ice.  Luckily we missed the massive snow that came the second week in February because we were in California-how very tragic.

Samantha is still very skeptical of snow, but it was fun to have Daddy working home that day.  We were glad he could take a little lunch break outside with us.

We should have gotten a sled at the beginning of the season.  Oh well.
Very skeptical of our make-shift sled.

And then two days later, we had freezing rain and everything froze over.  Unfortunately that meant lots of tree limbs going down, and therefore we lost power.  We were lucky and only lost power for four hours, but in that time the temperature in the house dropped from 69 to 61.  Samantha was wearing her fleece pajamas, fleece, and leg warmers around the house to keep warm.
We're officially ready to say, go away snow!


  1. Alternative blog post title: the many facial expressions of Samantha on a wintry day. She is so expressive :-)

  2. Your house is beautiful in the snow! Oh and your baby too. Your sled is, well, less beautiful...
