Monday, February 3, 2014

January visit to Maryland

The last weekend in January, my mom, Samantha and I visited my grandparents in Maryland.  My Grandmom hasn't been physically well, either, so we were glad to finally make it down to see them.  
Nana and Samantha played some music.
She crawled under the chairs (Samantha has a tendency to sit under tables and chairs all the time).
And she discovered that the chairs in the family room were a little closer to the floor than our couch at home.  What a good little climber.
And reader.

Oh and we are obsessed with licking cold windows these days.  What?!
Reading with Great- Granddad
And pillow head balancing with Nana
I can't remember when I've been in Maryland with the Magothy iced over.  Still beautiful.
I was also lucky enough to be able to see Sarah, who was visiting her parents in Maryland, from England.  It was sooo good to see her and her girls.  In some respects it seems like yesterday that we had just graduated from Princeton and were living in the master bedroom of our first apartment, student teaching together.  After two years of sharing a room with Sarah and chatting about everything under the sun, I've missed having her across the ocean.  Even though we do get to skype quite often, it was much better to see her in person.  I hadn't seen Iona since she was younger than Samantha, and I hadn't met Eilidh yet.  What sweet girls, and how wonderful to see Sarah mother them. Wish I could have spent more time with them!

And back at my grandparents, Samantha made everyone smile :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to brighten everyone's spirits, Samantha! So nice to see photos of Sarah and her girls-glad you got to meet up with them too!
