Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Visit from the Stillers

Last Thursday we were lucky to have Erik, Anna, and Caleb visit us.  Busch invited Erik and Andrew to speak at AIA, and while they were spending time with the students Anna and I got to watch the women's figure skating long program together and catch up!  And luckily they were able to drive up from Philly a little earlier and join us for dinner and some baby playtime.  

What is up with this ridiculous smile she has started doing?
Caleb was not happy with Samantha trying to take her wagon back.
They made up and played with S's eggs together.
Classic- Samantha climbing something and Caleb eating something.
Bath time together :)  What good daddies these little ones have!
And on Friday morning Samantha ate her breakfast before Caleb got up, and then decided she wanted to eat Caleb's breakfast, too.  This little girl is turning into quite the food stealer!

Hope to see you soon, Stillers!


  1. Maybe Samantha is saying CHEESE in the first pic? That's the face Juliette makes when you say smile for the camera. She basically sneer/smiles. Hilarous :)

  2. I actually laughed out loud at the first photo. Classic. I think I made a similar face when I was about her age, so she'll probably grow out of it at least by the time she has her own children. ;)
