Thursday, March 6, 2014

14 months old!

Samantha turned 14 months this past Tuesday, and she is a girl on the move!  The biggest change in the last month has been her vast improvement in walking.

She still is obsessed with her moving toys.  She rides on her truck all the time and now knows how to push herself forward and backward around the house. She also has figured out how to put things in the seat of the truck and get them out again.
Samantha loves looking out the window these days.  She crawls or walks up to windows in the living room, family room, and kitchen.  And she loves putting herself in corners and behind things to do it.
Samantha also is enjoying reading more and more with us.  She'll look through books for a long time (although she does turn the pages way too quickly to go along with the reading!)  She still loves lift the flap books and basically anything Sandra Boyton.  New this month- she'll flip through books for a long time before she falls asleep for naps.
Still twelve teeth over here and still eating tons of food - just not always what we want her to be eating.  Loves this month- grapefruit, strawberries, bananas, eggs, rice, pasta (penne vodka and mac and cheese are def the favorite foods of the month).  Dislikes- basically any meat, now also fish, and every vegetable besides tomatoes and avocados (which I think technically may be fruit anyways).
Samantha still doesn't have many words, but she "talks" up a storm.  She definitely says "hi" now (and likes to say hi to all her stuffed animals and any person that leaves or comes into the room).  She also points at her stuffed animals eyes and says "eyes," although I would say about a third of the time she does point to the nose...haha.  There's been a couple other times where it seems like she's mimicked sounds we have said, but we're still rooting for more language soon (come on "mama" and "dada").  Instead of words we get the bossy pointy finger with lots of gibberish - that bossy pointy finger came out in full force this month- lots of opinions on everything!
Samantha still loves music. She's gained some new music skills now, too.  She loves hitting the resonator bars in music class.  And she now often slaps her thighs to the beat (more or less) of certain songs. She also is a hilarious little knee dancer if she likes the music that's playing.
Samantha is still a super fast crawler and climber.  This month she has continued to love climbing up (and now also sliding down) the stairs. She is also obsessed with climbing onto the arm of our big chair and trying to then climb onto the half wall- yeah not the best.
And of course the big development this month is walking!  Samantha went from just cruising at the beginning of the month to pushing things around walking to taking a few steps to now walking across a whole room, changing direction and being able to walk across different surfaces.  She needs to start walking from holding onto something or someone and she's still crawling more than walking, but we definitely have a walker on our hands!
Also she is obsessed with phones or anything phone shaped (remote controller, my old phone case, etc.), and she loves holding them up to her face and saying "hi."

We love this adorable little one!


  1. Cute cute cute! Can't wait to see her walking around our house!

  2. Hold the phone here . . . didn't she just turn 13 months yesterday? What happened??

  3. I want to see a video of this phone call stuff
