Monday, March 24, 2014

March Friends

I realized that almost all of the pictures on the blog, show Samantha, Andrew, and I at home, which is totally not representative of our days.  In the last year, Samantha has made lots of little friends, and I've been lucky enough to get to know a lot of cool moms.  So here's a few pics of some of S's baby friends- I'll have to remember to take some more pictures at our normal weekly activities.

S and I go to Baby Boot Camp 2-3 times per week- it's an hour of working out at Market Fair with the babies in the strollers.  It's such a great class- I get in shape and get to socialize at the same time, and Samantha gets to run around during core exercises and steal other kids' snacks afterward. St. Patrick's Day work out :)
And squats with some extra weight.
Playdate with James and Juliette.  Everyone wanted in to the car.
While I was in NYC- Samantha and Noah got together in Village Park- sad I missed seeing the parents- glad these cuties got to share a wagon together.
S- also got to have a little playdate with her other church friends (all her church friends are little boys!)- Luca and Matthew.  
Love this shot-Luca and Matthew are playing music.  S is in the background stealing a Vera Bradley bag.  Haha.


  1. Thanks for posting these! We need more photos of friends for sure! I also love that final photo. And what a fun group of moms and babies at the mall! Too cute.

  2. Fun to see what everyday life looks like around there. Thanks for posting!
