Sunday, March 23, 2014

New Shoes!

Samantha got her first pair of real shoes last week.  She's been wearing her Robeez Booties (which we loved!) all winter, and they were great shoes to learn to walk in, but their leather bottoms made them less than ideal for walking outside.  So after doing all sorts of research and borrowing some shoes from friends, we bought Samantha her first pair of real shoes.  I'm a little taken aback by the price of baby shoes (?!!), so I hope we get good use out of these ones :)

S needed to examine them first.
She wasn't very happy the first time we put them on.  

But things got better when she discovered Mommy also wears shoes, just like Samantha.  No wedges, for you yet, though, little girl.  (Note to self- clean shoe closet...haha).
And things got much better once she realized wearing shoes means she can walk outside!  She was off down the sidewalk! 

Very pleased with walking outside!
And now just five days after getting her first pair of shoes, she walked over to me carrying them this morning, sat in my lap and handed me her shoes while holding up her feet.  She also brought her fleece over to me.  Seems that someone wants to walk outside.  Too bad we're in for a cold spell this week- her little heart is going to be broken!


  1. Pretty shoes! Hope it's warm here next weekend so we can walk together, Samantha!

  2. So fun to watch her adventure and see the world differently!

  3. She is SUCH A GOOD WALKER NOW! That took two seconds from her first steps!
