Sunday, March 23, 2014

CSH Reunion

Okay, so this might be the first blog post that does not have a picture of Samantha in it, but I had to commemorate it- this past Friday, I spent my first night away from Samantha since she was born (thanks to Andrew for making that happen!)  Since I weaned her at the beginning of February, I have been looking to use some of that new found freedom, and the perfect opportunity arose- Golub's 30th Birthday!  My three best girlfriends from high school all live in NYC, and prior to Samantha being born, we have been having at least yearly (usually semi-annual!) sleepovers together.  What started in the Golubs' basement has continued through college in four different states and grad schools all over the country and across the world, and 2013 was the first year we didn't have a sleepover.  I had to remedy that ASAP in 2014.  It was wonderful to start our 30s with the same girls that stood by me when we all turned 16 (and really to some extent even earlier!)  It's so wonderful to know that even though the years have passed by- and now our conversations are about babies, fiances, cases in court, and night call instead of high school crushes and ap exams- we're still so integral to each others' lives.  So very lucky to have you, girls!  Glad to be entering our 30s with the sleepover tradition still strong!

Happy Birthday, Sar!
Sarah, Liss, Emily, and I
And just for a little throw back- the four of us when we were 21.
And the four of us when we were 17 going on 18 :)
After a four hour dinner (a year ago- I would not have believe I could have had dinner for four hours and close down a restaurant!), we headed to the Bronx for a sleepover at Golub's apartment.  What a beautiful breakfast the next morning :)
And then we had the treat of helping Emily start her search for her wedding dress!  (Note this is not a dress Emily is going to pick!)
Lunch afterward with the girlies!
So thankful for so many years of our friendship!

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