Sunday, March 16, 2014

First half of March

During the first half of March, Samantha has been concentrating on her walking skills- but that doesn't mean it's the only thing we've been doing.  March is such a crazy month around here- we've had snow and 60 degree days and then snow again- spring can't get here soon enough!  In the meantime, Daddy, S, and I have been trying to keep busy!

She thinks this is hilarious.  Our glass is not the cleanest.
 S is also working on her big girl cup drinking skills.  She loves holding these cups with two hands and drinking on her own.  About one third of the liquid ends up in her mouth, the other two thirds in her bib pocket.
Just finding some floss and unwinding it while mommy is cooking.  Whatever keeps her busy :)
 Investigating at Barnes and Noble.
 She loves saying "hi" to everything outside (still licking windows as well).
 She is also loving climbing in and out of her booster seat.  She even has been placing the tray back on top of her lap once she climbs in.

 We've been playing a lot in her room.  Taking all her books out of her bins is one of her favorite games.
And reading behind her chair is another of her faves.
And just wanted to also show off her beautiful new growth chart (thanks Aunt Jo-Ann!)

 What a beautiful peaceful sleeper.  This, though, is not the norm.  Usually I witness all kinds of rolling on the monitor while she is still asleep.
Daddy and Samantha have been trying out the new BOB for some runs. I cannot wait until the weather is warm enough for daddy-daughter runs all the time!
On another warm day we played on the playground nearby.  They have a cute little toddler structure.  It was Samantha's first time walking outside wearing shoes, and she did great!

And we liked the swing a whole lot better than we did last fall.

And of course there has been lots of eating.  Here she's sharing her lunchtime with her new little twin friends- Nathaniel and Elodie.

And she's working on her yogurt eating skills.  I gave Samantha her own cup and spoon.  She can get the spoon in there and lick off whatever ends up on it or get it into her mouth if I load it, but she can't yet seem to maneuver the yogurt and fruit onto the spoon herself and then get it into her mouth.
I was taking too long to load up her spoon so she just dug right in looking for those yogurt covered strawberry bits.  Sigh.  Crossing my fingers for increasing ability with utensils soon.
And finally she's also decided she does not want apple bits, instead she wants to eat it off the core.  So now I have to eat the skin off the apple while she points continuously at it, and then she very goes to work on it.  
Very happy with herself.
Hoping pics from the second half of March, will feature all sorts of outside warm weather- although I hear NJ is in for more snow tonight.  Ai yah.

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