Thursday, April 10, 2014

15 months!

Last Friday Samantha turned a year and a quarter- 15 months! At her doctor's visit, she was 20 pounds, 7 ounces (finally passed the 20 pound mark!) and 30.5 inches.  She went up to the 30-35 percentile in weight (maybe it's the fact she still almost exclusively eats carbs!) and is right in the 70-75 percentile still for height (I think I can say height now instead of length!)  She had two shots- MMR and chicken pox, and for the first time these shots were in her little arms.    Dr. Marshall said everything is right on track!

Samantha's biggest development this last month is going from a sometimes walker to an always walker!  She is so good at walking now!  We have left crawling behind completely. And now Samantha is even starting to try and run- we're not there yet, but she is certainly a fast walker.  She walks inside and outside and can basically hold anything and keep walking (even a large toy!)

We're still basically on the grains and fruit diet.  Every once in a while she eats something else, and we rejoice- but that happens with no consistency.  One new snack fave this month is seaweed!  She also now can drink out of a straw cup- it's a little neater, but she's still a super messy drinker!
Samantha is also saying, "No" and "Yeah" now and lots of times those words are used to talk about food.  She has also started to say "done" for "all done," and she does the sign language for "all done" and "more." Strong preferences over here! 
She's still into climbing.  All the time.  
Her favorite things this month are anything that comes out of the recycling container and swings!  She's also really into taking things in and out of containers or bags.  She can stack her rings now in the right order all on her own (sometimes!)
And it's just been wonderful to see her really comprehend things this month.  She knows what you mean when you ask her to bring you things, and she totally gets hide and seek now.  
Loving this stage!


  1. Wow it seems like you just posted those videos of Samantha starting to walk in the airport and now she's a full time walker. She's learning so fast!

  2. What a big strong girl! Hugs, Samantha!

  3. Super expressive faces :)
