Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter in Maryland

For Easter weekend, we traveled to Maryland to spend time with my parents and grandparents.   It has been a while since we've been together because of the tough winter my family has had, so it was nice to share a table, celebrate Easter, and watch Samantha play.

Basically Samantha wants to be outside at all times these days.  In Maryland this was no different. 
She also worked on some new skills inside.  She practiced for about ten minutes stepping over the sliding glass door track.  She finally mastered it!  It was so funny to watch her work on acquiring a new skill.

She also has been loving search for Easter eggs.  This is her where are the eggs hand motion.
Yay found one!
And this is her, "I want to eat now and you are just cooking the dinner" needy leg grab.
Yummy dessert!  Daddy spoiled her with some lemon cake Grandmom made.
On Easter morning, Samantha had three baskets.  That's what you get when Mommy, Nana, and Great- Grandmom don't communicate and all like buying our little one a few small goodies.
Shaking an egg with some quarters in it!

Oooh new sunglasses!  Too bad we only leave them on for five seconds tops!
Walking with Nana after church.
Stand off with Lanie!
We tried to get some family photos on the waterfront after church.  S did not want to be in the pictures.
She really only wanted to sit on the steps.
One good family pic.  Too bad we're all squinting!
And then there was this attempt at a group picture.  Sort of a hilarious sequence.

Her third Easter basket (pail!) opening.
Reading the Easter story (this lasted approximately seven seconds)
Playing outside with Granddad was her favorite.  She stayed outside with him for over an hour each day.
Running away!
Good thing Granddad got in front of the stairs and Xiao found a dandelion :)
What a blessing to be with family for Easter!  And remember the blessings we receive because of Jesus's death and resurrection. He is risen, indeed!


  1. So glad your family was able to be together! Looks like it was a really restful and wonderful weekend.

  2. Hooray for family time! Love that S got 3 Easter baskets! So glad you all got to be together.
