Thursday, April 10, 2014

Outside Fun

The weather has finally started to warm up in New Jersey, and Samantha is happy about it!  We've been to the playground several times, and we are trying to take walks outside almost every day. Keep coming spring- we're ready for you!

At the Hopewell Tot Lot.  We like the slide, but we LOVE the swing.

S knows now that in order to go outside she must put on her shoes.  It's so cute when she tries to do it herself.
Last weekend we also made a quick stop at Terhune farm so Samantha could see the animals. She LOVED pointing at the chickens.  Can't wait to go back there when we have a little more time again soon.

And we finally took the patio furniture out this weekend, and Samantha and I have been trying to make the most of some sunny afternoon time.

She was skeptical about walking on grass...
but then tried it out- she's working on it!
Moving so fast these days!
Oh and our new favorite game is to pick up rocks and carry them back to Mommy.  Unfortunately, we still every once in a while decide we want to taste the rocks.  Working on persuading her that is not a good idea!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! So glad it's warming up for you guys. S is such a little prepster in that dress!!! Too cute.
