Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Visiting the Stillers in Philly

Last weekend we headed to Philly to visit the Stillers.  It has been so great to have them near to us this past year, and we're glad we still have another year to spend some time with them before they head out of the Northeast.  As Erik has an internship for the summer in California, we wanted to make sure we saw them one more time this school year.  It was a beautiful day in Philly, and it was wonderful to spend the day with them (and Duncan and AJ who stopped in as well!)

After everyone was up from their morning naps, we headed to a park near the Stillers' home for a picnic lunch.  Caleb was very still while he ate on the blanket.  Samantha only wants to wander and eat right now.
Uncle Duncs and Caleb.  Loving his hat and really wishing Samantha would keep something on her head without yelling "no" and ripping it off.
Swinging on the playground!  My only proof that Andrew Matthews was actually there!  (But he and Duncan were awesome- they drove all the way from NYC just to spend the afternoon with us!)
This girl seriously loves the swing.  Every time we took her down and tried to play on another part of the playground she walked back to it and pointed "this" at the swing.
See- the see-saw was not as enjoyable.

But Caleb was happy anywhere on the playground.
The Dads with their kids :) Caleb is a little easier to get to smile then Samantha.  She won't crack a smile unless SHE wants to.
The mommies.
And after a wonderful dinner of comfort food (with fantastic breakfast for dinner kids meal options that S gobbled down) this happened.  Toddlers being changed into their pajamas found a balloon.  Best thing ever.
Loved seeing you all!  Can all our Princeton friends live in the same place again someday?  Looking forward to seeing you again in the fall, Stillers!

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