Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Meeting Matthew!

The last weekend in March, Samantha and I headed down to North Carolina to finally meet Matthew!  The last time we were in NC, Matthew was still five weeks from joining the world; I can't believe it took us this long to get there again. But we made it.  Katie drove down from Ithaca and flew with us, for which I was incredibly thankful (let me tell you- flying with a toddler- especially three hours delayed and past bedtime- is no joke).  Lauren welcomed us into her home, and it was wonderful to all be together for a long weekend!

On Friday morning Matthew and Samantha were up bright and early to play together.  And by play, I actually mean Matthew grabbed lots of toys, and Samantha carried around random household items and only took toys Matthew with which Matthew was already playing.
Matthew is getting really good and stable at sitting, until he wants to grab something that's behind it.
On Friday we went out to lunch to celebrate Baby Girl Finn Santana.  Your aunties can't wait to meet you, little one!
This is S realizing she will soon have another little girl cousin!
Back at home we chatted and lounged and played. We did a lot of that during the weekend.
Notice Samantha has a baby monitor instead of a toy in her hand.
Working on her gentle touching.
Matthew loves his Mama!
Lucky me got to snuggle with the little guy :)
I LOVE his smile.  It's so contagious!
Bath time buddies
Um- cutest walrus ever!

And what a sweet moment, Katie captured!

On Saturday, Lauren's sister Amy came by with her little daughter, Dorothy, who is just two weeks younger than Matthew.  
Matthew was working on his standing skills!
Just doing some more playing!

We took a little night time walk down the greenway- loving that spring was peeking through.
Basically I had a singing leaning backpack for the mile or so walk.
And finally Sunday morning before we left, S took every empty beer bottle Lauren and Danny had in the house and left them all over the kitchen.  Have I mentioned that she loves carrying around recyclables?!
Matthew watched his ridiculous bottle carrying with glee.
Matthew and Auntie Katie :)
All five (six!) of us!
Loved our time together and thankful for more than ten years of friendship!

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