Saturday, June 7, 2014

More Memorial Day Weekend Fun with Nana and Granddad

After church on Sunday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed out to the Lawrenceville Hopewell Trail.  We are so thankful to have this beautiful trail system near our house and take advantage of it weekly.  It was fun to show my parents where we walk every week.  We parked at Village Park and walked through the Pole Farm section of the park.

Did I ever mention how much we love this BOB stroller?  It has been a fantastic purchase!
Samantha loves going for walks.
And so does Lanie.
However, Samantha also loves to get out of the stroller and walk around.  The first thing she always does when she gets out is check the back pocket to see what fun stuff mommy has been hiding from her.
While Samantha was getting out her jitters, we read all the historic signs about the Pole Farm.  I always just pass those signs when I walk so it was so cool to see how historically important the telegraph poles here were to US-Europe communications before, during, and after WWII.

On the way back to the car, we stopped at the Village Park. Samantha LOVES the little tot lot here, and we now go here all the time.

Also S has taken to saying "woah" when she's on the swing.
After our walk, we headed home for nap and then a wonderful dinner outside.  We made filet mignon, potatoes and tomatoes on the grill.  Andrew is like an expert griller, and his first time grilling filet did not disappoint.  Get this- the girl who has been on meat strike for the last five months ate the filet and kept asking for more.  Chicken-no, Pork-no, Ground Beef-no, Turkey-no, but Filet-"Yeah."  Who knew our daughter was this high maintenance?!
After dinner Samantha wanted to ride on her tricycle.   Nana was happy to oblige.

Tyler and Kevin wanted in on a picture, too.
Here we are carrying rocks. Again.
Samantha didn't want to say good-bye to Nana and Granddad!

What a beautiful and fun weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful indeed! Great family photos on your walk. Wish I could walk on that trail with you weekly! And I love that S will only eat filet mignon. Awesome taste.
