Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June movies

Samantha has been very busy in June acquiring some new skills.  Most important among them is her ability to complete puzzles.  She literally came home from Virginia after watching Cadence complete puzzles, and improved dramatically on her puzzle abilities.  Like she literally went from only being able to place puzzles pieces near their spots to being able to do whole puzzles.  So cool to watch her pick this up.  And as many of you know, I love puzzles, so I am so excited for this stage!

Her name puzzle is the hardest, but she likes doing it the best.  I need to get a movie from this week as well because she's even gotten considerably better at the name puzzles since last week.

I meant to say June 18th in this movie.
She likes doing her animal puzzles as well.  If you listen closely, you can hear the woof woof noise she always makes for dogs.
Samantha can literally point to 10-15 body parts these days.  This video is a little better than the May one I took, but it still doesn't accurately reflect all her body part naming skills.  Best part of the video, though, is when she cracks herself up sticking her finger up her nose (yep that's a new skill, too- purposely picking her nose- good times).
And then this isn't a new skill, but teapot song dancing is too cute not to include :)


  1. You're having issues with dates this month! Does Samantha do the puzzle that we got her with the animals that make noise when you put them in or is that just too annoying :)

    1. Yes- she does the animal puzzle that makes noise, too! It's less annoying now because she puts the pieces in and doesn't leave them out to talk to us when it gets dark.

  2. So impressive on all counts! Big girl!

  3. Go Samantha! Glad she learned something useful from Cadence :)
