Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reunions 2014

Princeton Reunions this year was super low key for us.  Being our eighth reunion very few of our friends were back for their fifth or tenth, and for the first time in a while we had no one staying with us.  We got to have dinner with Sophia and JB (sadly enough we forgot to take any pictures), and we made it up to Princeton for the class barbecue.  It was fun to see some friends we didn't know we'd see without being pulled in too many directions, but unfortunately nap time called and we didn't make it to the P-Rade this year- the first time neither Andrew nor I have walked in the p-rade since graduation.  But even though we only made an appearance for a few short hours, here's proof we had our orange on and tried our best to show our Old Nassau Pride.

And for comparison's sake- here's reunions last year.  Someone looks a little different in this picture (and it's not Andrew- note to self- buy him another orange shirt!)


  1. Any picture with Samantha smiling in it is just precious. You all are so cute!

  2. Cuteness abounds! Love that Andrew is wearing the same shirt. I think it should be a tradition!

  3. Bon, this post made me laugh out loud. you're funny friend! also, meant to say on your mothers day post that I love that S is old enough to do comparisons to last year. so fun!

  4. What a difference a year makes!
