Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Random May

Sorry for the slight Lieucrew break - we've been having some technical difficulties around here.  But I think we're back up and running again.  May continued to be a good month.  It's sooo wonderful to spend time outside, and it's very fun to watch Samantha understand and try more and more things every day.

Just hanging with daddy :)

Also sitting on mommy.
Penne vodka.  Pasta = favorite food.

S is obsessed with balancing on things.  Books and my shoes are her favorite.

Outside.  All the time.

Found this tricycle at a consignment sale.  She loves it.

Our neighbors passed on this lawnmower.  She loves it.  But she only mows the sidewalk.  Don't even try to suggest she mow the grass.

Hanging with our neighbors.
 And with her friend Logan on the playground.

Other favorite food = berries. If Samantha could eat only pasta and berries she would be set.
I bought S her own adirondack chair at Wegmans (I know of course).  And she climbed into it continuously before we could even get it outside.

On Memorial Day the husbands joined us at bootcamp.  Fun to do a family workout!


Wanting to sit in chair all by her self.

Oh and we also wanted to drive. Big girl these days!


  1. Fun times! She's such a sweetheart in those dresses, and I remember when we watched Tyler with that lawnmower!!

  2. So so so sweet. Love this post!
