Last weekend Samantha and I flew down to North Carolina for Lauren's Baby Shower. Lauren is one of my dearest friends from college, and we can't wait to meet Baby Boy Frye this September.
What a cute pregnant lady Lauren is! Samantha picked out her favorite moose toy for Baby Frye.
Laura, Vasanta, Tiff, Julius, and Cadence also came down to celebrate Lauren, Danny, and Small Frye. And we all stayed in the wonderful new Frye casa- so lots of great Princeton reunion time as well.
Lauren and Danny's beautiful new home.
And my favorite part of the house- the kitchen. Seriously my dream kitchen :) (And this pic somehow is my only proof that Julius was actually there!)
On Friday we visited a baby consignment sale and then basically spent the afternoon and evening watching Cadence and Samantha sort of interact. Love that Tiff and I packed them the same Carters outfits!
Samantha is mystified my crazy moving Cadence!
Only picture of them both smiling!
Becoming friends? Love the arm hold :)
Cadence on the move, and Samantha focusing intently on how to crawl.
We also took a walk together around the neighborhood.

And Cadence showed us how to use Lauren's new stroller! Can't believe how good she is at walking!

You know...two nursing moms and two pregnant ladies are sort of low key. Love this bump photo! Samantha-7 months, Baby GIRL Stroessner-Waldman- 19 weeks in the womb, Cadence-1 year, Baby Boy Frye- 35 weeks in the womb. Oh yeah and there are some mamas too.
But the main event was the baby shower on Saturday. Tiff and I were part of the planning crew. We joined four of Lauren's Winston-Salem friends to put together a Children's Book Themed Shower.
Here are all the hostesses with Lauren! Emily, Kim, Liz, Lauren, Me, Marissa, Tiff.
The food all corresponded to particular children's books. And notice the great table runner made out of pages from an old children's book.
Kim and I were in charge of the activities and games. First up- scrapbooking table. We made a book (only appropriate at a book themed shower) with our notes and wishes for Baby Boy Frye.
In addition guests were instructed to bring a book for Lauren, and Kim made these awesome book plate stickers that guests put inside the front cover of each book.
Then we played a game in which guests had to identify the children's books from which the quotes I listed came. Our money was on librarian Laura, but Lauren eeked out the win with 16 out of 20 correct. Can't believe how many children's books she already knew!
I get excited when I get to be teacher Bonnie passing out quizzes!
Lauren got to open lots of awesome presents! Love this pic of her realizing that the Velveteen Rabbit is much longer than she originally thought!
Loved the impromptu Librarian Laura story time!
Tiff and I with some of the presents we got Lauren.
Lauren made out well!

And what super cute favors Liz made- Winnie the Pooh-honey jars!
And last but not least Samantha got to hang out with her mommy and some of her aunties at the shower. Thanks to Tiff for lending me her babyhawk for the shower.

Little peeking eyes!
Someone loves her Auntie Vasanta!
The Princeton ladies!
Then on Sunday, Samantha and I headed out of town with Tiff and Julius and Cadence. They were on their way home to DC and on the way back they dropped us in Durham. I spent an hour and a half wedged between two of my favorite girls.
The Chens dropped us off a few hours before our flight out of RDU and luckily we got to spend some time with the Terrells! It was wonderful to see Jeff and Lindsay and to meet Emma (who's only two and a half months old!) After looking so little next to Cadence all weekend it was funny to see Samantha look so big!
Samantha smiling at Emma!
It was so wonderful to catch up with the Terrells! Hope we get to see you guys again soon!
Then Samantha and I flew back home! We flew in and out of Trenton airport for the first time- so convenient. Here's Samantha sitting up in the airplane! Unfortunately the plane was full and I had to hold her for the flight. Glad it was only an hour!
What a great weekend, but wonderful to see daddy again! Laur- can't wait to meet your little boy!
Yay! Why did it take me so long to get to read this post? Glad you got a photo of the walk and one to prove Julius was here! We were so blessed to have all of you visit and celebrate baby boy Frye!