Thursday, August 8, 2013

Music Class!

Samantha and I have been going to music class for the last few months.  It's a music together class, which is so cool because the headquarters of the whole international operation is in Hopewell.  We love it!  I seriously think it's her favorite part of the week.  My mom joined us last week so I was able to snap a few pictures with my iphone.

Nana and Samantha ready to sing.
We are in a class that is all comprised of babies- ages 5 months to 9 months.  Samantha LOVES looking at the other babies and the music teacher.  
Music class involves singing to the babies, dancing to the babies, dancing with the babies, and doing all sorts of fun hand motions and leg motions to the songs.
And of course making music with drums.  Samantha has finally started pounding the drums.
So far she just stares at the babies that climb on the drums :)  But she does shake and eat her little noise maker eggs these day!
So fun!