Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saturday morning excursion!

We took advantage of a rare Saturday without plans this past weekend and headed North along the Delaware River.  We spent some time exploring Bull's Island State Park and walked along the D & R Canal.  Then we stopped in the little town of Stockton for lunch.  So fun to explore NJ a bit- what a beautiful summer day!
Now we try to reach for the camera lens.
On the trail.
Beautiful morning on the Canal.
Delaware River.
Walking from NJ to PA.  We crossed over and back, three times that morning.
Gorgeous view of the Delaware River from the pedestrian bridge.
Lumberville, PA- great little coffee and muffin stop.
View of the pedestrian bridge from PA.
Samantha is practicing to be our tour guide! Mommy is giving lessons.  First up- map reading (not eating!)
Bridge between Stockton, NJ and Pennsylvania.

Lunch at the Stockton Farm Market.  Buttons Creperie- delicious!

Lunch buddy!
Mornings like this make us love living in NJ!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bonnie & Andrew! Great to "see" you! Beautiful sweetheart! Love to get together some time....Char B
