Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Stillers Visit

We are so excited that the Stillers have moved back to the states.  Erik was Andrew's junior and senior year roommate at Princeton and one of our dearest friends during our undergrad years.  And it has been so fun to get to know his wife Anna these last few years, and then it was even more wonderful to find out we were pregnant at the same time.  Even though they were in London we emailed back and forth for a lot of our pregnancies, so it was great to finally get to meet their son, Caleb (currently 4 months), in person.  We're so thankful that they will be close by in Philly for the next two years.

Samantha and Caleb meet!  She isn't sure what to make of him!
S has decided she likes Caleb!
It was wonderful to also have the Buschmans stop by and hang out with us for part of the afternoon. Caleb was very comfortable with Lynn.
And then I finally got my turn to hang out with Caleb!
The Buschmans, the Stillers, and the Lieus (sad that Samantha was down for a nap!)
What a wonderful afternoon :)  Stillers- we're loving that we get to figure out this parenting thing at the same time as you all.  So glad to have you guys close by so that we get to see Samantha and Caleb grow up a little together.

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